I have learned so much about acting, leadership, and being part of a team during my time in CYT. I met the people I would consider my best and closest friends through CYT, and when I was younger, the people I looked up to set an excellent example for me. I try as hard as I can to be supportive and caring at all times, and I attribute a lot of that to CYT. My family’s involvement in the programs strengthened our relationship with each other. At this point, with all the time I spent there, I can’t imagine my life without CYT in it. My family and I are extremely lucky to be part of it.

Travis Driver

High School Youth Pursuing Excellence (HYPE) is a leadership training group designed to challenge and guide advanced CYT students to be leaders inside and outside of the theater. HYPE holds regular meetings and plans social events, fundraisers, and service projects for CYT and the community. High school students interested in participating must go through an application process and commit to serving in HYPE for one year.
Contact David at Hype@cythouston.org or Dee at Dee@cythouston.org for more information.


The Decathlon Award recognizes exceptional CYT students who have demonstrated a love for theater by pursuing a well-rounded education in the theater arts and who have exhibited a character consistent with CYT values. The award includes a certificate of recognition, as well as a personal letter of recommendation from the CYT National Board of Directors.

CCT (Christian Community Theater)

Christian Community Theater (CCT) is a community theater program FOR ALL AGES that has open auditions to the general public. At CYT Houston, our summer CCT show is our chance for families to join together on the stage. We have had grandmothers join their grandchildren, toddlers on the hips of their mothers in the town scenes, college alumni home for the summer, and many new friends from the local theater community join our ranks over the past several years!
Recently produced shows have been Mary Poppins, Hello Dolly, Beauty and the Beast, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Newsies, Fiddler on the Roof, and Music Man! CCT shows are wholesome, family entertainment for the entire community!

Girl Scout Theater Arts Workshops


CYT and GSSJC have teamed up to provide THEATER WORKSHOP CLASSES for Girl Scouts of all levels. The girls will have the opportunity to learn exciting songs and fun dances from a corresponding Broadway production. Finally, they will perform what they have learned on stage for their friends and family immediately following a full-length Broadway-style production presented by the students of CYT. Workshop participants will complete the requirements for one or more performing arts badges. 

See your Golden Link for more information!

Costume Rentals

Book your costumes for your next event!

Are you looking for special costumes, sets or props for yourself OR for an entire show?
  • CYT Houston might have just what you are looking for now!
  • After being in business for over a decade and having produced a variety of many well-known musical productions, we have an impressive inventory that could very well be what you need!
  • Appointments for viewing, pick-up and returns are required. 
  • No walk-in customers please.  Email Diana Horn for your appointment at diana@cythouston.org
For more information on the beautifully designed CYT costumes 
Contact diana@cythouston.org
 for costume rental information and pricing.